Bibliography: Plastic Roads
General Background on Plastic Roads
Columbia University was a pioneer in studying how our huge plastic trash problem could be converted to cash. The idea to salvage plastic from the oceans for roadbuilding began to make headlines in 2017, though some places had seen this possibility much earlier. By 2017 plastic roads were called “the future of roadway construction.” Plastic Roads became an exemplar of the circular economy and focus of clean technology analysts.
From Think America Radio to Business Insider, Plastic Roads were the latest story.
Plastic Roads in India
India was one of the first to see the potential in plastic roads, initially through the idea of burying plastic under roads. The state of Maharashtra with its capitol Mumbai, made plastic road-building and repair compulsory. And the US also saw potential in plastic roads.
Plastic Roads in the Netherlands
The Netherlands formed a high tech plastic road consortium for the European market. The Guardian devoted an article to the Rotterdam experiment in plastic roads. The Christian Science Monitor sensationalized this new development by describing Dutch roads mad of recycled plastic bottles. Other articles focused on the potential of this innovation to reuse ocean plastic. xxx The huge attention in diverse publications drove market awareness. Ireland focused on plastic pathways.
Plastic Roads in the UK
The Scottish company MacRebur focused on the UK market and secured a section of London for a trial.
News of the surge in the UK raised more interest in the US. CBS featured an estate driveway. In July 2020 it was announced that MacRebur may soon be building plastic roads in California.
Plastic Roads in the US (Texas)
The Texas Department of Transportation decided to try this new technology, supported by Dykes Paving.
New Plastic Roads Initiatives
In 2020 Pittsburgh, PA announced its new plastic roads initiative. Big players like Dow Chemical are getting involved.
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Saving Our Oceans from Plastic: articles by Zann Gill
- Adverse Health Effects of Plastic
- Aquaria – Informal Learning Network
- Beat the Microbead
- Bibliography: Plastic Roads
- Boyan Slat: Floater Technology for Ocean Cleanup
- Circular Economy: Dame Ellen MacArthur
- Complex Systems Problems
- CRADLE TO GRAVE: Plastic Supply Chain
- earthDECKS Limelights: Companies to Watch
- Enshrouded in Plastic
- Flamingos Signal the Future We Face
- Give the World a Helping Hand: 3D Prostheses
- Global Ocean Sensing
- Industry Response to the Plastic Challenge
- Learning for a Plastic World
- Floating Trash: More than 4x as bad as we thought
- Nature’s Innovators: plastic consumers
- Ocean Debris Network
- Ocean Ingenuity
- Oceans – Measuring Planet Health
- Plastic – Climate Change Connection: Israel & UBQ
- PLASTIC: Complex Systems Problem
- Plastic: Drinking Water, Table Salt & Mother’s Milk
- Plastic Footprint – Carbon Footprint
- Plastic-Eating Enzyme
- Plastic Gyres and Social Justice
- Plastic Impact Calculator
- Plastic Pollution Coalition: Campaign vs Single Use Plastic
- Plastic & Public Health: Endocrine Disruptors
- PLASTIC: Overview of National Leadership
- PLASTIC ROADS – Global Innovation Ecosystem
- Plastic – The Circular Economy
- The Plasticene
- Plastiki: adventure stories & a big message
- Raising Awareness of Plastic Hazards
- The Ocean Foundation &