Collaborative Intelligence & CIQ Networks

Collaborative Intelligence is an emerging meta-discipline, which defines how next generation social networks can enable convergent problem-solving. The earthDECKS apps apply these principles of collaborative intelligence to this complex systems problems, addressing challenges facing our planet (e.g. PLASTIC).


  • Collective intelligence processes input from a large number of anonymous responders to quantitative questions to produce better-than-average predictions.
  • Crowdsourcing distributes microtasks to a large number of anonymous workers.
  • Human Computation engages the pattern-recognizing capacities of anonymous human microtask workers to improve on machine capabilities.
  • Collaborative intelligence complements these domains, offering principles and frameworks to tap diverse expertise, autonomy and pattern recognition of non-anonymous contributors, from tagged sensors to geo-located devices to identified human experts in next generation social networks for collaborative problem-solving.

We are in the midst of a Kuhnian paradigm shift driven by the need to process the explosion of data. To understand complex systems and to advance evolutionary computing, we need better understanding of how living organisms act as distributed information processors in their ecosystems. Humanity’s success as a technological species demands that we become wiser decision-makers, moving beyond fear-based competing for advantage toward collaborating to create a thriving civilization that sustains Planet Earth.

Zann Gill in her Future Salon talk describes how ecosystems co-evolve in nature, identifying principles to build human / computational problem-solving ecosystems manifesting collaborative intelligence. To design and test alternative modes of communication, visualization, and knowledge exchange in learning networks, requires an accurate understanding of the systems involved and how they interact. The analysis and development of learning will evolve the ability of humanity to collaborate in developing intelligent alignments and adaptations with the ecosystem that sustain us.

Collaborative Intelligence has not only a theoretical foundation informed by natural evolution and thriving ecosystems, but also application to real world problem-solving.

George Orbelian is assembling Collaborative IQ [CIQ] Networks of  people with diverse expertise committed to regenerating our health and the health of our planet’s oceans and ecosystems. The identification, promotion and clustering of networks of champions, organizations, and companies so that their individual leadership agendas can mutually support each other to manifest collaborative intelligence for our planet is the core mission of earthDECKS.


The Buckminster Fuller Institute

Recognizing the pioneering significance of Buckminster Fuller, and the Buckminster Fuller Challenge, in raising awareness of global environmental issues, George Orbelian was instrumental  in helping the Buckminster Fuller Institute headquarters move to San Francisco. He joined the Board of the Buckminster Fuller Institute and is working with BFI to envision new leadership initiatives to realize Bucky’s quote to,

“Make the world work, for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.” – R. B. Fuller

Seaplex Program – Project Kaisai

George Orbelian, one of the co-founders of Project Kaisei, was alarmed by the news of ocean plastic trash when Captain Charles Moore in 1997 recognized the Great Plastic Garbage Patch in the North Pacific gyre as a serious threat to Ocean health and to all life on this planet. Orbelian contacted

Jim Dufour, scientist with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography to engage the Scripps research vessel, New Horizon, to rendezvous with the Kaisei in the North Pacific Gyre. Recognizing a chance to bring, science, technology and Ocean Research together in a new way, the Scripps SEAPLEX expedition was mobilized with Project Kaisei support. TJ Marbois and Kendall Nishimine of Ojingo Labs developed technology for the expedition, harnessing the video capability of the new Apple iPhone released in June 2009. The research teams on both vessels, the Kaisei and the New Horizon were for the first time able to geo-code their research videos on Ojingo’s proprietary, push / pull video comment system, BlipBack. Ultimately, all the videos taken during the voyages on both vessels were available virtually in real time. The team worked with their friends at Apple and Google to make this happen in two months. Those at Scripps involved with the project were thrilled, saying, “Your team at Ojingo Labs took science out of the classroom and laboratory and shared it with the world in real time – the whole campus is aware of this expedition – this is a first!” Project Kaisei and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography SEAPLEX programs received Google Earth Hero recognition in the fall of 2009, were recognized by the United Nations Environmental Program and invited to participate in the Clinton Global Initiative.

Ojingo Labs

T.J. Marbois and Kendall Nishimine co-founded Ojingo Labs with Orbelian, and the company has now become a dedicated multinational team with designers, engineers, musicians, toy developers and even a master chef. Their cutting edge technologies and methods create engaging user experiences.

Ojingo Labs has been instrumental in creating the popular TED app, an app for the Tour du France with about 12.5 million users; an app for ARUP the company that built the Sydney Opera House and was one of the first major global companies to create a Foresight division: the Drivers of Change app for the engineering firm Arup brings cultural awareness to key drivers that are critical to our future through five STEEP Lenses – Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental and Political.

Ojingo has been involved with the design and development of VERO a cutting edge, privacy supportive next gen social network that is both ad and analytics free and supported the largest single Apple Pay of $1 million, as described in Forbes.

Kendall Nishimine also brings to the work of Ojingo experience as a Visual Effects leader with George Lucas, working on such films as the Abyss, Darkman, Back to the Future III and Ghostbusters II. Kendall has consulting experience with a range of clients, including Disney, Mattel, Sega, Bill Graham Presents, Compaq, Brøderbund, Hasbro, the Smithsonian, and the Exploratorium.

Abyss-VizEffects-KendallNishimineAbyss, Special Effects

The Ocean Portal Project

George Orbelian conceived the Ocean Portal as a virtual collaboratory that networks silos of information about natural systems into a shared global knowledge base for “Water People” engaged in understanding and restoring the waters that sustain us all.

The Ocean Portal is a hub for a growing collaborative community exploring comprehensive solutions for our global environment. Humans are part of nature: everything we do impacts the environment. Better understanding of inter-related environmental dynamics improves human adaptation and management: embraced collectively, better informed decisions will help our planetary systems regenerate.


DECKS = [Distributed Evolving Collaborative Knowledge System]

earthDECKS is working to identify and promote both companies and non-profits providing products or services that can improve human health, environmental health, and ocean health. Through DECKS of networked digital info cards, we assemble knowledge on those three co-dependent topics: human health, environmental health (producing healthful food and protecting our water) and ocean health. The earthDECKS short film PLASTIC uses story-telling to engage users toward growing a CIQ Network. Downstream, this initiative is a prequel for SQUID, which adds VR–AR story-telling into the mix.