The A, B, Cs of COVID-19
Note: This article has been updated to include multiple November and December 2020 publications raising questions about the safety of COVID vaccines. This update also includes the Dershowitz–Kennedy debate.
No one questions that there is a serious disease that is tragically taking lives. What is questioned is the promotion of vaccines as the solution for a virus that is mutating rapidly – vaccines that are being rushed to market without animal testing or adequate human testing. Suppose there’s a simpler solution that is less costly for all of us, and less profitable to the pharmaceutical companies: Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and zinc.
Today, as concerns about preserving human rights rise, the COVID debate below goes beyond the province of legal and medical experts to demand critical thinking from everyone. COVID-19 has shown how easily people, cowed by fear, give up their civil liberties — a bellwether of serious threats to democracy and our right of free speech.
Forbes reports that Covid-19 Vaccine Protocols Reveal That Trials Are Designed To Succeed, i.e. they are vaccine promotions, not scientific tests.
WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan, during a virtual press conference, said: “I don’t believe we have the evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that it’s going to prevent people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on”, says WHO Chief Scientist @doctorsoumya — (@disclosetv) December 28, 2020
This collection of statements by many medical professionals should be circulated, not to agree with every word, but to stimulate critical thinking, e.g. Dr. Johan Denis on nanobots in hydrogels, others on the untested, experimental nature of these vaccines. We should raise questions about whether the big vaccine push, which benefits the pharmaceutical industry, benefits the rest of us.
- US deaths in 2017 — 2,813,503
- US deaths in 2018 — 2,839,205
- US deaths in 2019 — 2,854,838
- US deaths in 2020 — projected > 3 million, but what % is exclusively COVID? stress? suicide? violence? We need a breakdown.
WHO notes that deaths from non-communicable diseases have been steadily rising since 2000, suggesting a less healthy population. WHO warns that this Covid-19 pandemic is ‘not necessarily the big one’.
COVID-19 has shown us that health, the environment and civil liberties are co-dependent. Human ravages to the environment may be linked to COVID-19 deaths. Nature has handed us our first eviction notice, reminding us that we are tenants, not landlords on Planet Earth.
Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Canadian physician trained at Cambridge University and Chair of a North Carolina-based COVID testing company, recommends “3,000 to 5,000 international units of vitamin D every day, which has been shown to radically reduce the likelihood of infection. And I would remind you all that using the province’s own statistics (Alberta, Canada), the risk of death under 65 in this province is one in 300,000. One in 300,000.”
This highly trained MD disagrees with the accepted narrative. Others may disagree with him. We need debate. He decries the “utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It’s outrageous. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus other than protecting older, more vulnerable people. It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season.” The fact that raises the most questions is that Youtube rapidly removed the video in which he made the above comments.
COVID-19 warns us that health, the environment and civil liberties are co-dependent. Human ravages to the environment may be linked to COVID-19 deaths. Nature has handed us our first eviction notice, reminding us that we are tenants, not landlords on Planet Earth.
In the debate between Alan Dershowitz and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. we see how democracy and public health are intertwined. They end up agreeing on many points.
- When Congress passed statutes (1989–1996) giving pharmaceutical companies zero liability for injury from vaccines, the required number of vaccines given to children went from a few to many — this is a very profitable industry. COVID vaccines can be released to the market without adequate testing, since there’s no risk of liability.
- Ron Paul and Robert F. Kennedy, libertarians with otherwise contrasting views, both oppose the government-controlled socialism of large sums of taxpayer money for pharmaceutical companies on terms that are not disclosed to the public citizens who are paying the bill. Fauci owns 50% of the patent on the Moderna COVID vaccine, so he has a conflict of interest in allocating taxpayer money to develop and produce this vaccine.
- CDC & NIH have patent ownership, i.e. these regulatory bodies have self-interest in the vaccine industry. Regulatory bodies have become vaccine companies. CDC whistleblower Ben Thompson reported that science research that violated CDC’s financial interest was blocked from publication.
- Fauci spent $500 M of taxpayer money developing the Moderna vaccine, so it’s now too big to fail. According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (debate below), there was no animal testing and only 45 human tests, which resulted in multiple hospitalizations from vaccine injury.
- NPR writes (Oct 24) about Moderna’s 53 page $1.5 billion contract (taxpayer money) to produce a million doses of a vaccine that was minimally tested and proved unsafe in those tests. This article notes that even the amount of the contract (previously disclosed) is now redacted as “a trade secret.” ($2 billion taxpayer money — $500 million to develop; $1.5 billion to produce)
- RFK is not an “anti-vaxxer” — he favors vaccines for some people and some diseases. He questions the efficacy of vaccines for COVID, which mutates rapidly. And he opposes government mandated vaccinations when the companies that profit from those vaccines have no liability and are not provably serving our health interests. He argues that government regulations that serve the business interests of pharmaceutical companies are a violation of our human rights. Two related actions by the government both benefit the pharmaceutical industry: 1) releasing companies from liability for their vaccines and 2) requiring the public to take vaccines produced by companies that have no liability for their products.
- Taking the flu or COVID vaccine can turn you into an asymptomatic carrier of the disease, i.e. it may do exactly the opposite of what it claims to do.
The Environmental Justice movement links the environment and justice in a single complex system. Emerging data shows that African Americans make up over half of all coronavirus cases in the country, despite making up 13 percent of the US population. In Chicago, Black Americans reportedly account for 72 percent of virus-related fatalities, even though they make up less than a third of the city’s population. Expanding out to Illinois, 43 percent who have died from the virus are Black, while this demographic makes up 15 percent of the state’s population.
As with climate change, we do not need to agree to start work. Publications on diverse facets of COVID-19 – from health to politics, from the economy to what this “reset button” means for our individual lives and social collective – show our need for a metaview.
COVID-19 A, B, Cs addresses four metaview or “big picture” topics that span a range of references:
A is for Anger
B is for Plan B
C is for Critical Thinking
A, B, Cs are for Basic Learning
To emerge from the COVID-19 experience “better than normal” as individuals, and as a global community, we must rise above anger and polarization, conceive Plan B, exercise Critical Thinking, and impart what we’ve learned from this experience wherever we can. COVID-19 offers the potential for individual and social learning and transformation and the chance to save our planet and all life.
Dr. Zach Bush weighed in on COVID-19 on May 8, 2020. earthDECKS published an earlier article about other aspects of Dr. Bush’s work, which Dr. Bush reviewed and called a masterful synthesis. As a complex systems thinker in medicine, he points to a statistical correlation between the numbers of deaths from COVID-19 in New York City, northern Italy, and Wuhan, China and the level of air pollution. He suggests, as does this recent Guardian article, that COVID-19 cannot be seen in isolation from environmental degradation, which has weakened our immune systems. We must take responsibility, rather than letting fear take control.
In September 2019, the European Union (EU) and World Health Organization (WHO) co-sponsored a Global Vaccination Summit, which published 10 Actions Towards Vaccination for All. The following month, in October 2019, a simulation exercise was held.
Event 201, in October 2019, was a simulated pandemic exercise focusing on a coronavirus originating in bats. Event 201 was sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, and the World Economic Forum. This simulation event led to seven recommendations, which were published in November 2019 as a Call to Action. One month later, China reported the first cases of COVID-19. The video below summarizes highlights. At 4:10 in the video, Banker Jane Halton says that she expects the medical industry will need pre-committed contracts to provide services. The meeting was held in October 2019. But the first cases of COVID-19 were not reported in China for two months – until December 2019.
The video above, posted on November 4, 2019, is dressed with horror film music and concludes with a prediction that an imminent pandemic will cause potentially 65 Million deaths based on the Gates Foundation “exponential contagion” model. Event 201 speakers in the video refer to their predictions as “the facts” and any other point of view as “fake news.” They discuss how to manage global opinion during the forthcoming pandemic to quell “fake news.”
On November 15, 2020 Wikipedia, The New York Times and JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data reported 1.31 Million deaths worldwide due to COVID-19. To make the Event 201 prediction of 65 Million deaths real, we simply need to wait until 65 Million people die whose deaths can be attributed to COVID-19. As one man said, “My mother died. She was 93. They called it COVID-19.”
Above are contrasting points of view. Dr. Zach Bush, and many others with a complex systems perspective, point to the Corona Virus as a warning signal that human health requires safe, unpolluted air, soils with a rich microbiome, organic food, clean water — the foundation for healthy humans with strong immune systems to thrive. From those with a “medical targets” perspective, the virus is a target for attack, isolated from the complex system that has weakened human health and immunity.
A is for Anger
Donald Trump models anger. By calling all those who disagree with him liars, he sets an example of name-calling that has propagated across all sectors. When news media shifted from providing news as a public service to a business model based on making a profit from advertising, writing for shock value changed the tone of reporting.
Josh Mitteldorf chose for his article title a question with shock value: Is Fauci a War Criminal? His charge references a publication in Nature Medicine in 2015. He writes that by international law (1969) and by American law (1989), it is unlawful to perform laboratory modifications to a virus that make it more infectious or more deadly.These are called “gain of function” modifications.
“Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both. A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.
The Nature Medicine article describes experiments in which a Coronavirus that infects Chinese bats is modified to enable it to bind to the human ACE-2 receptor. The work was performed at UNC Chapel Hill and at Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. In the ‘Acknowledgements’ section, Fauci’s NIAID is listed as primary funder.
Though Bill Gates (2015) and Dr. Anthony Fauci (2017) both predicted that the world would experience a serious pandemic, a correct prediction is not a cause and cannot be used to argue that the pandemic was intended or planned.
We all want to be on the right side of any issue, in the herd where everyone else is. Black sheep must be silenced. If Dr. Judy Mikovits talks nonsense, who is afraid of nonsense? Why did so many people want to hear her speak? Why was she such a target for attack ? If she spoke nonsense, lots of nonsense on the Internet goes uncensored.
A bandwagon of publications focused on discrediting Dr. Judy Mikovits, e.g. Science Magazine on May 8, 2020; The New York Times on May 10, 2020, calling her the new star of virus disinformation, a conspiracy theorist and a darling of far-right publications. In 2016 the producer of the 2020 film Plandemic about Dr. Judy Mikovits made a film about Bernie Sanders. Is her interviewer then a darling of the far-left?
Health is neither far right, nor far left. It affects everyone, regardless of partisan politics. Without having to agree with Mikovits, it’s worth stopping the attacks to debate questions this film raises:
- How does censorship curb the right to free speech and dialogue in science?
- Have low cost, non-patentable or patent-expired cures been pulled from the market, forcing patients to use more expensive, sometimes less effective, medications, destroying their right to choose?
- Was there an agenda in a COVID-19 management strategy that forces everyone to do the same thing? The trend toward personalized medicine assumes that we are all unique and have different needs in medicine as in life.
- Is COVID-19 a wake-up call for a truly non partisan challenge – affordable, quality health care and personalized medicine for all and a healthful environment?
Dr. Mikovits’s rapid rise to notoriety drove sales of her book Plague of Corruption to No. 1 on Amazon’s print best-seller list. The book was out of stock by Friday, May 8, 2020. Amazon said that the book did not violate the company’s content guidelines. Skyhorse, the publisher, defended its decision to print Dr. Mikovits: “The world should discuss the ideas in this book, rather than allow censorship to prevail,” a Skyhorse representative said.
Even scientists and medical professionals have spoken with hatred and anger, not scientific accuracy. How can we move beyond repressed anger (fear) and misplaced anger (lashing out at those who are vulnerable) to effective anger, harnessed when it can be constructive?
All rebuttals are not angry. Forbes on May 8, 2020 published a smooth argument by Tara Haelle: Why It’s Important To Push Back On ‘Plandemic’—And How To Do It. She said we should feel sorry for anyone so naive as to share the Judy Mikovits interview. If Haelle was given the assignment to make anyone who shares that interview look foolish, she couldn’t have conceived a more brilliant and persuasive strategy.
Are we, the public, being treated like sheep, as if we’re too dumb to think for ourselves? Are we acting like sheep? Or both? Why such anger in the hallowed halls of science where precise, rational thinking is revered? What is going on? How can we rise out of anger to allow disagreement and healthy debate?
B is for Plan B
B could stand for Bias or Bigotry. But let’s focus on the positive. Plan B is defined by Merriam Webster as an alternative plan of action for use if the original plan should fail. More broadly, Plan B describes the impressive innovation that has occurred during this COVID-19 lockdown. New COVID-19 Search Engines:, a search engine in beta focusing on the credibility of COVID 19 news, and a search tool for looking through thousands of COVID-19 scientific research papers. Google Blogs launched a COVID-19 Research Explorer powered by semantic AI. The World Economic Forum and Industry Week focus on new gadgets that harness AI, robotic and other technology for COVID-19. More disruptive innovations are in the pipeline that can change how we learn, manage health care, energy and a range of products and services that are distributed, rather than centrally controlled.
Rory Spowers’ article in Ecohustler reminds us that the Taoist ideogram wei-chi translates as both crisis and opportunity, calling for personal and societal change, catalyzed by crisis.
David Gorski MD PhD, starts with a politically correct attack on Dr. Judy Mikovits and then introduces two crisis/ opportunity stories that could be starting points for Plan B:
The John D. Rockefeller Pharma Story. In the early 1900s, America’s first Billionaire, John D. Rockefeller bought a German pharmaceutical company that would later assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war. Rockefeller wanted to eliminate the competitors of Western medicine, so he submitted a report to Congress declaring that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all natural healing modalities were unscientific quackery. Rockefeller called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only his organization be allowed to grant medical school licenses in the US. And so began the practice of immune suppressive, synthetic and toxic drugs. Once people had become dependent on this new system and the addictive drugs it provided, the system switched to a paid program, creating lifelong customers for the Rockefellers. Currently, medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US. Rockefeller’s secret weapon to success was the strategy known as, “problem-reaction-solution.” Create a problem, escalate fear, then offer a pre-planned solution. Sound familiar?
Flash forward to 2020…They named it COVID-19. Our leaders of world health predicted millions would die. The National Guard was deployed. Makeshift hospitals were erected to care for a massive overflow of patients. Mass graves were dug. Terrifying news reports had people everywhere seeking shelter to avoid contact. The plan was unfolding with diabolical precision, but the masters of the Pandemic underestimated one thing… the people. Medical professionals and every-day citizens are sharing critical information online.
Whether we’ve started to wonder or not, the damage is done. As Dr. David Gorski observed,
“The overlords of big tech have ordered all dissenting voices to be silenced and banned, but they are too late. The slumbering masses are awake and aware that something is not right. Quarantine has provided the missing element: time. Suddenly, our overworked citizenry has ample time to research and investigate for themselves. Once you see, you can’t unsee.”
C is for Critical Thinking
We cannot be critical thinkers if only one point of view is allowed. Who decides that John Q. Public is not smart enough to choose what videos to watch and what interviewers to believe?
Evolution could not operate if all organisms in a species were genetically identical. And if everyone holds exactly the same view, we have no foundation for democracy.
Tagged under Intelligence, Police State & Civil Rights, Science and Medicine, on May 11, 2020, an article was released called Catholic Clergy on COVID-19: Three Cardinals Join Global Appeal Decrying Crackdown on Basic Freedoms Over Coronavirus
The appeal “for the Church and the world” warned that the coronavirus pandemic is being used as a “pretext” by world leaders to “control” people and strip them of their basic rights in a “disturbing prelude to the realization of a world government beyond all control.”
Critical Thinking Combats Polarization
Behind the contrasting policies for handling COVID-19 in Sweden and the UK lie opposed medical assumptions. Sweden’s medical experts defined “herd immunity” as a time when 40% – 60% of the population would have been exposed and developed antibodies to the virus. This is generally an anti-mask strategy. In contrast, the UK, like the US, had a masked, lockdown strategy.
On May 12, 2020 Foreign Affairs published a striking review of Sweden as a model: Sweden’s Coronavirus Strategy Will Soon Be the World’s: Herd Immunity Is the Only Realistic Option—The Question Is How to Get There Safely. Swedish authorities imposed some restrictions designed to flatten the curve: no public gatherings of more than 50 people, no bar service, distance learning in high schools and universities, and so on.
Sweden did not institute harsh controls, fines, and policing or location-tracing technologies or apps, and so avoided threats to privacy and personal autonomy. Final tallies of Sweden’s alternative to lockdown are not in, but University of Stockholm mathematician Tom Britton has calculated that 40 percent immunity in the capital could create sufficient “herd immunity” to stop the spread of the virus by June. Though Sweden has experienced more deaths among the elderly, Sweden has fared better than many countries in Europe, and the final tally is not in, though Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s chief epidemiologist, and the primary architect of Sweden’s strategy, said in early June, 2020 that he would do some things differently.
At the other end of the spectrum is the story from the UK. On March 19, 2020 two events occurred in the UK. New legislation was proposed in Parliament to allow the UK government extraordinary powers because of COVID-19. On that same day, Public Health England downgraded COVID-19 from a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) to a disease on the level with the flu. Some noted that this downgrade was not publicized, enabling the legislation proposed on that day to be enacted four days later (on March 23). Those who questioned the UK government assuming extraordinary powers when COVID-19 had been downgraded were called “conspiracy theorists.”
COVID–19: The Big Pharma players behind UK Government lockdown describes how philanthro-capitalism, Big Pharma and government agencies, are collaborating on a global immunization agenda, with massive projected profit for Big Pharma and associates of Gates, the WHO, UNICEF, and world governments (see also Part One).
CEPI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, was launched at Davos in 2017 by the governments of Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the British-based Wellcome Trust global health charity, and the World Economic Forum. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky argues that CEPI seeks “a monopoly role in the vaccination business, the objective of which is a global vaccine project.” The Oxford University start-up, Microsoft-funded facial recognition firm Onfido recently raised $100 million (now $200 M.) to boost its ID technology to enable the creation of immunity passports.
Of concern is the connection between the UK COVID-19 strategy and the potential for massive global surveillance, which could be baked into our passports. The idea that businesses predict future needs, develop products and services to meet those needs and make a profit if they perform effectively is implicit in the capitalist economy. What is of concern are mandates that force the purchase of products.
Questions are raised that call for critical thinking.
An entire global population has been convinced to accept conditions that we would have called bizarre even a year ago:
- house arrest, or euphemistically, “shelter in place,”
- complete shutdown of economies, putting life and work at risk for many,
- wearing masks everywhere and agreeing not to congregate,
- accepting that anyone who questions these orders is a quack who should be viciously attacked.

Ada Yakota graphic from David Korten, YES! Magazine, cited below
The image above highlights the bizarre nature of “the new normal” – it suggests fear, conformity, and control. If we accept this new normal, what else will be acceptable? Cancelling elections? Denying people the right to choose what medical treatment they want or don’t want? It should be easy, after convincing everyone to wear masks, to mandate annual flu vaccines for the planet’s 7+ billion people. Who profits?
For many years I’ve refused to have an annual flu vaccine, not because an expert told me to do that but because I intuited that it would be best for me to let my own immune system respond. I don’t get the flu, but there’s no “one size fits all” correct solution for everyone. Vaccines were a brilliant discovery to combat some diseases and for some people. I formerly flew to Australia frequently. Planes landed, and while all the passengers were locked in the cabin, stewardesses walked down the aisles spraying all passengers with insecticide. I was the only passenger on every flight I was on who walked to the front and said, “Insecticides make me sick.” I was allowed to step outside. To my amazement, all other passengers calmly accepted being sprayed.
In the future I may not have that choice. I may be forced to pay for health care I don’t want, just as cats are now required to have annual rabies shots that make the cats sick and profit the rabies vaccine industry. I’m not on an anti-vax campaign; I’m advocating the right to choose.
Decades ago, the tobacco industry claimed that cigarettes were good for your health. What is claimed changes. By asking questions, rather than pinning hate labels on those with other points of view, we’ll learn. The pseudoscience hate label has mushroomed to include many health categories. Wikipedia has a large pseudoscience list, which includes anti-vaccine activists such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who concludes his foreword to Plague of Corruption with, “This account by Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively is vitally important both to the health of our children and the vitality of our democracy. My father believed moral courage to be the rarest species of bravery. Rarer even than the physical courage of soldiers in battle or great intelligence. He thought it the one vital quality required to salvage the world. If we are to continue to enjoy democracy and protect our children from the forces that seek to commoditize humanity, then we need courageous scientists like Judy Mikovits who are willing to speak truth to power, even at terrible personal cost.”
Why are those who raise questions labeled quacks? What is new is abandoning the strong case for personalized medicine to force everyone, sick or not sick, to accept globally mandated standardized behaviors and treatments. For the entire 7+ billion global population to be mandated to buy these flu vaccines for which the manufacturers offer no guarantee and are released from all liability and for us to have no freedom to choose – that would be new.
If the US is a nation of free speech, why do those who question the standard narrative on the topic of COVID-19 face such a backlash? Why is John Q Public deemed too dumb to read multiple points of view and decide?
Aren’t we exposing shortcomings of an educational system where people are stuffed full of “correct facts” and do not learn the critical thinking skills to be able to hear conflicting views and decide?
Beyond health debates, COVID-19 has raised questions about how government handles emergencies and financial bailouts. Robert Reich wrote an impassioned plea: “Our government must bail out the American people, not corporations.” That means “No industry—not airlines, not hotel chains, not cruise ships—should be bailed out. . . in this sweeping economic stabilization bill.” Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell proposed hundreds of billions of dollars in bailouts for the airline industry and other industries that recklessly mismanaged their budgets by fattening the pockets of their CEOs. Propublica is tracking these bailouts. The Institute for Policy Studies reported that, though tens of millions of Americans lost their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic, America’s ultra-wealthy elite experienced a net worth surge of $282 billion in just 23 days.
A, B, Cs are for Basic Learning
COVID-19 has shown the co-dependency of the 1% and the 99%. Health is a global challenge, not a partisan issue. The basic A, B, Cs call on us to
- Transform polarizing Anger into healthy debate.
- Recognize and support our many Plan B options and potential for constructive innovation.
- Cultivate Critical thinking as a core skill that we start learning in school and continue learning and practicing throughout life.
We will fail to learn when we fail to tolerate our differences and become sheep, afraid to stray from the herd.
Stanford Professor Michael Levitt (Nobel Laureate, Chemistry 2013) points out that even scientists, when frightened, modify their views to go along with the crowd.
David Korten writes in Why Coronavirus Is Humanity’s Wake-Up Call that the Coronavirus highlights five disastrous deficiencies:
1. Treating nature as a commodity, ignoring Earth’s limits, and wantonly destroying the stability of our climate and the health and purity of our air, water, and soil, without realizing that the environment is the key to our health.
2. An education system designed to maximize personal financial returns rather than to prepare us to transform a self-destructive system into one that will support our long-term future and hone our critical thinking skills.
3. A profiteering health care system with boutique care for the rich at high prices but lacking capacity to address the health care needs of ordinary people affordably or to respond to public health crises like COVID-19. The US, compared to other OECD countries, spends nearly twice as much on health care and achieves worse outcomes.
4. military spending of more than half of all federal discretionary funding to prepare for old-style conventional wars, arising from environmental and social collapse — wasted resources that should be applied to addressing the underlying sources of current security threats.
5. An economic system generating speculative profits for the richest without contributing to meaningful livelihoods and security for those who do useful work. Money must serve us, not enslave us.
How will we define this new era?
The POW! Impact Network is under development. Sign up and we’ll let you know when we launch
What merits censorship? The policy in Sweden advocates wearing a mask if you have a compromised immune system or a disease you could transmit, but that for healthy people, it’s better not to wear a mask. Why was saying that so incendiary, causing the Dr. Mikovits interview (Plandemic video) to be removed by Youtube in May 2020? On June 5, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) updated their guidelines for the use of protective face masks, saying that “the wide use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not supported by current evidence and carries uncertainties and critical risks.” Only one month before, the Dr. Judy Mikovits interview was removed from social media for saying in May what was endorsed by WHO in June. Opinions in science and medicine can change rapidly.
What merits debate? Personalized medicine vs. a standard vaccine mandate raises the question of the right to choose one’s medical treatment and whether we should put resources into mandated vaccines or into improving our environment and strengthening our immune systems.
What are the social consequences of a masked society? Some Asian countries have long had the civilized custom that a person with a contagious illness wears a mask so as not to infect others. That does not mean that everyone wears a mask all the time. This writer doesn’t advocate any health argument for or against masks. But, viewed from a political, non-health perspective, what would be the perfect context to launch a dictatorship in any country?
- A brave new world in which everyone is wearing a mask, so each individual is inclined to be less friendly, less trusting than if they could see each other’s faces and smile?
- A brave new world in which people all stand six feet apart so they cannot carry on a private face-to-face conversation?
- A world in which people are afraid of getting diseases from each other, mistrust each other, and are afraid to congregate in groups?
- A world in which people communicate primarily through telephone and online media, all of which can be secretly recorded to a big data bank and analyzed by those in power?
This is the foundation for a police state. Are we already deeper into police state “narrative management” than we realize? Are we now going to be herded like sheep, too afraid of each other and too frightened to resist?
Images of empty cities published by Architectural Digest invoke a sobering question: What if our ravages to the planet boomerang back to strike us, the human race? That question asks whether COVID-19 is an isolated medical problem to attack with a vaccine or a symptom of a sick planet where we must restore healthy soil, unpolluted water and air to produce food that strengthens our immune systems.
One ABC takeaway is that an oppositional two-party political system may not suit our many complex systems problems. The Lincoln Project, a group of Republicans who want to see a new President in the White House, paid for the COVID-19 ad below.
Zann Gill for earthDECKS, with thanks to Assen Assenov, Liz Gould,
next now, the sci foo network and Serious Conversations.